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National Bank

Integrated campaign, Canada wide


Copywriter - Roxanne Pelletier

Art Director - Hang Tan Tang

Director : Vanessa Gauvin-Brodeur
DOP : Clémentine Martin
Production : Roméo & Fils

Creative director - Marilou Aubin, Martin Beausejour, Lysa Petraccone

Strategy : Arthur Rollet

Agency production : Andréanne Hébert


Motion - Jean-Philippe Guy, Elisa Ferreira

Editing - Carl Munger

The Investment Issue

How a bank corrected the media’s financial narrative by turning every women’s magazine issue into investment content


Unlike content aimed at men, research shows that 90% of financial articles written for women encourage them to focus on small ways to save money, such as cutting expenses or using coupons, instead of on investing and building wealth. This stereotypical narrative, perpetuated by women’s magazines, contributes to Canada’s significant gender financial literacy gap, leaving many women lacking the confidence and knowledge to invest, and putting their financial independence at risk.


To flip the narrative around women and money, National Bank edited the back covers of nine popular women’s magazines, including Elle Canada and Canadian Living, and turned the issue into a cover story. The magazine names, article titles and featured personalities were all redesigned in a united editorial movement among the Canadian press to support women’s financial empowerment.


The nationwide launch of millions of magazines was captured in a viral stunt video and supported by an integrated digital and content strategy. Each issue featured co-created financial articles and directed readers to National Bank’s online resources, including 300 additional articles and a new video series with influential female investors to inspire women to take concrete financial action.


Winner, Applied Arts, Consumer print - Series, 2024

Featured on

Little Black Book

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